The Con-Serv story began in 1979, when our founding director Gary Harland pioneered a water-efficient showerhead, that could withstand the harsh Australian environment, and conserve Australia’s most valuable liquid asset…water. Although he didn’t know it at the time, Gary had developed something that would be widely adopted in the industry and would be seen as the foundation for today’s WELS scheme.
In 1982, following the success of his product, Gary incorporated the company to trade as Con-Serv Corporation Australia Pty Ltd, where it would operate out of Brisbane. In 1982, we diversified our offering to help service more of the plumbing and construction industry, to include bathroom, healthcare and plumbing products. Since opening our doors, we have been, and remain Australian Owned and Operated, and have provided jobs for local people. Our head office, located in Brisbane, is home to 42 employees who do everything from design to assemble the Con-Serv product that you know and love.
By 1986, we had enough production capacity to start distributing our products to the market throughout Australia and this is when we truly became a widely adopted brand by plumbers and renovators. We distributed via major retailers, wholesale distributors, as well as through boutique showrooms.
In 1994 we utilised our expertise to advise foreign governments and private enterprises on water conservation, to ensure that we could do our part in educating the wider community on the benefits of adopting sustainable water practices. By our 25th anniversary, we were honoured with the Australian Plumbing Industry’s 2004 GreenPlumbers Water Efficiency Product of the Year Award for our premium water-efficient shower range. Today, some members of our team are still passionate as ever about conservation and are actively involved with the legislative team, advising on the WELS scheme.
Today, we have as strong a product range as ever, consisting of over 2,500 items. We continue to lead the industry with our design flexibility in meeting our client’s local plumbing requirements, without compromising the values of quality, efficiency and sustainability we were founded on. We have no plans on slowing the growth of our product range and seek to become more agile to the ever-changing landscape of the industry. We have now expanded beyond our borders to include markets in North America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific. From here it’s just onwards and upwards!